Conferences, workshops, etc.

Quantum Harmonic Analysis and Applications to Operator Theory

Markus Faulhuber
Quantum Harmonic Analysis and Applications to Operator Theory
Conference, Participation in ...
3.8.2021 - 5.8.2021

Unsupervised classification with orthogonal projections

Anna Breger
91th Annual Meeting of GAMM
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..

Augmented target loss functions applied to learning with images

Anna Breger
IS20 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2020 - ..

The Strohmer and Beaver Conjecture for Gaussian Gabor Systems - A Deep Mathematical Problem (?)

Markus Faulhuber
13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications 2019
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.7.2019 - 9.7.2019

The Heat Kernel

Markus Faulhuber
Talk or oral contribution
21.2.2019 - 21.2.2019